We have put together some Frequently Asked Questions to help you understand more about One-Eighty and the support we might give your young person
Q) My child is taking part in Make Me Smile (MMS), tell me more
A) Make Me Smile is a mental health awareness project that we are delivering to Year 6 classes in primary schools across Oxfordshire. It gives young people an opportunity to explore their thoughts and worries in a safe environment and encourages them to think of caring for their mental health and well-being in the same way that we look after our physical health, linking to the Healthy Schools curriculum and the Government’s Green Paper on Children’s Mental Health. Through peer-to-peer mentoring, the Year 6 class delivers the session to Year 3s and share coping strategies with the whole school Make Me Smile Day.
Q) My son/daughter has been referred for a one-to-one intervention, what does this mean?
A) This means that their school or a professional who is involved in directly supporting your young person, will have made a referral to One-Eighty and we have the capacity to schedule the work. You will need to give your consent for us to undertake the work and so we might not know all the specifics about your young person yet.
Once everything is confirmed, we will start the conversations with school, professionals, the young person themselves and you and their family to make that personal connection and understand their needs and the type of intervention that would support them. To read more about this process, please click the button.
Q) How do you ensure my young person is safe?
A) One-Eighty acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of young people and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board requirements. To read more about our Safeguarding Policies, please click the button.
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